Friday, July 9, 2010

Walking in the Valley of the Shadow of Death

Just got off the phone with my bride of 27 years. The doctors told her she has Uterine Fibroids and she needs to see a specialist. This is like taking a punch to the stomach. I know that God is sovereign and He is allowing this to form me into the image of His Son and my savior, Jesus Christ but the news is still hard to take.

While this blog was to hold quotes that I liked, I will now use it to express my personal thoughts and feelings as I walk with my wife along this path. We are not alone because God is walking with us.

Psalms 23 NLT

Friday, July 2, 2010


"Justice may involve hurting someone because the person deserves to be hurt, but… revenge involves hurting someone because it makes you feel better to hurt them." - Rabbi Harold Kushner