Friday, January 27, 2012

Kindness is the "common-language" of Love

"One time Paul Harvey spoke about a man named Carl Coleman who was driving to work when a woman tried to pass him with her car and got too close and dinged his fender with hers.

They both pulled over and when she saw the damage she started crying. She admitted that it was her fault, but it was a brand-new car, it had only been out of the showroom two days!

How was she ever going to face her husband?

Mr. Coleman was sympathetic but explained they had to exchange their licenses and registrations.

When the woman reached into the glove compartment and pulled out the papers the first paper was a note, obviously written by a man; it read: "In case of accident, remember, Honey, it's you I love, not the car." (Paul Harvey Jr., Paul Harvey's for What It's Worth, 1992, p. 31)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Attributes of God

"There are seasons in the lives of all when it is not easy, no not even for Christians, to believe that God is faithful. Our faith is sorely tried, our eyes bedimmed with tears, and we can no longer trace the outworkings of His love. Our ears are distracted with the noises of the world, harassed by the atheistic whisperings of Satan, and we can no longer hear the sweet accents of His still small voice. Cherished plans have been thwarted, friends on whom we relied have failed us, a professed brother or sister in Christ has betrayed us. We are staggered. We sought to be faithful to God, and now a dark cloud hides Him from us. We find it difficult, yea, impossible, for carnal reason to harmonize His frowning providence with His gracious promises. Ah, faltering soul, severely tried fellow pilgrim, seek grace to heed Isa. 50:10..." (A.W. Pink, The Attributes of God, pp. 53-54)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Meeting God in your prison of circumstances.

"Whenever you get into a prison of circumstances, be on watch. Prisons are rare places for seeing things. It was in prison that Bunyan saw his wondrous allegory and Paul met the Lord and John looked through heaven's open door and Joseph saw God's mercy. God has no chance to show His mercy to some of us except when we are in some distressing sorrow. The night is the time to see the stars." -- F. B. Meyer

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Do you really want to see a revival begin?

“Do you really want to see a revival begin?  Then go back to your home and draw a circle around you on the floor. Then get down on your knees in the middle of the circle and ask God to convert everybody inside that circle. When you do that, and God answers, you are experiencing the start of revival.” -- Gypsy Smith

Monday, January 9, 2012

"In omitting the Cross you have cut the Achilles' tendon of the Church: it cannot move, nor even stand, when this is gone. Holy work falls to the ground: it faints and dies when the blood of Jesus is taken away. The Cross must be put in the front more than ever by the faithful, because so many are unfaithful." -- Charles Spurgeon